
by now是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

by now

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adv.already,previously,before now,even now,by this time



1.到目前为止 but that 若不是 by now 到目前为止 even if 即使 ...

2.到如今 from now on 从现在开始 by now 到目前为止;到如今 until now 至今,直到现在,迄今为止 ...

3.到现在为止 by the lake 在湖边 by now 到现在为止 by oneself 独自地 ...

4.至此 before now 以前 by now 这时(已), 至此 ere now [古、诗]在这以前 ...

5.这时 before now 以前 by now 这时(已), 至此 ere now [古、诗]在这以前 ...

6.直到现在 19.take turns to do sth 采取步骤做某事 22. by now 直到现在 3 move off 离开,启程,出 …


1.I must be leagues away by now, but it looks as if I could be back in an hour.到现在为止我一定都走了十几英里的路了,可是看上去它离我仍然只有一小时的路程。

2.I'd imagine by now that she's changed her name, changed her hair, and is trying to move on.我猜想,到现在为止,她已经改了名字,换了发型,想试图重新开始。

3.By now it can be applied to any policy which consists of daring one's opponents to take matters to the point of catastrophe.现今,它可以用来指会激起对方把事情引向灾难的任何政策。

4.If He had not left the earth in such a short time and in such a tragic way, probably, His name would have been forgotten by now.如果祂不曾在这么短暂的时间内,以这么悲惨的方式离开这个地球,或许祂的名字到如今已经被人遗忘。

5.must have finished his work by now. He must be on his way home.他现在肯定放工了。他一定在归途中了。

6.By now, the young boy saw fearful, has frightened has no more to do with to run away, the wallaby with is also drilling from the baby bag.这时,小男孩看到了可怕的一幕,吓得拔腿就逃,小袋鼠也跟着从幼儿袋里钻出来。

7.By now, the girl knew she had misspelled the word. But instead of lying and telling the judges she had said the correct letter.这时小女孩已经知道自己拼错了这个词。但她说了真话——她说的是错误的字母。

8.By now, you should be able to see a "Tomcat" menu and 3 Tomcat toolbar buttons (as shown in Figure 1) in the Java perspective.到现在为止,我们应该在Java视图中可以看到一个“Tomcat”菜单和3个Tomcat工具栏按钮(如图1所示)。

9.If he had had more common sense in spending, he might have been out of the woods financially by now.如果他在花錢方面多些常識,他就老早脫離經濟困難。

10.Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her.泰西·赫群森现在在一块空地的中央,当村民们步步逼近她时,她绝望地伸出双手。